Sunday, July 26, 2020

QA with Jon Sampson, Managing Director - Hays Brazil - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Viewpoint careers advice blog

QA with Jon Sampson, Managing Director - Hays Brazil - Viewpoint - careers advice blog Jon Sampson, Managing Director, Hays Brazil International mobility is on the rise. As the global economy recovers, company and job remits are continuing to expand across borders. There’s only so much that technology such as Skype can do to ensure the smooth implementation of a project overseas, and organisations recognise that they need feet on the ground. What’s more, employees are jumping at the chance to expand their professional career in an exotic location, with a surveyed 71 per cent of people stating that they wanted to work internationally at some point At Hays, we have an ambitious pool of internal talent to help provide leading recruitment services to 33 countries. My role as Head of Attraction and Mobility often involves moving these employees around the world in order to further their career within the company. I caught up with Jon Sampson, Managing Director Hays Brazil, who has made several international moves at Hays for this very reason. During this interview, Jon provides us with some insights into the reality of international mobility. Give us a brief overview of your career at Hays? I began my career at Hays fourteen years ago in Australia as an Associate Consultant running a contract desk within the IT team. As a company we have evolved a lot since then, but many of the recruitment fundamentals I still believe in today were learned during that time. Since then I have worked with and led the Japanese business and am now part of the Americas team responsible for driving best practice across Hays Brazil as their MD. Did you ever plan to work abroad at the beginning of your career? The thought never really crossed my mind. However, as my career progressed I saw opportunities for development and experience that I wouldn’t have had access to if I had stayed in the one country. In an increasingly globalised world, international experience and understanding becomes invaluable. What attracted you to your current role in Brazil? A number of things. Firstly, the challenge of working with a business that has huge potential in a difficult market. Secondly, the opportunity to gain experience in the Americas region â€" this was particularly interesting given the plans we have for growth here â€" it’s going to be an exciting few years ahead and a great business to be a part of. Do you have a family and did they relocate with you? Yes, my wife and I moved here with our English bulldog and son who was five months at the time. We are also expecting a daughter any day now. It’s of course a big move for anyone with a family and it comes with its challenges but in reality it’s not that daunting, once you have made the move and settled in. Living in any major city means you need to be smart about what you do and how you do it. São Paulo is no different but not really any worse. It is a lot like LA in many ways â€" a sprawling city with great restaurants, high end shopping, valet parking everywhere and beaches an easy drive away. An hour out of the city and you’re surrounded by green countryside and fresh sea air. What was the relocation process like? Hays were extremely supportive in the process and understanding of our needs. We have global and local teams to support you every step of the way. It can seem endlessly complicated at times, but once you create a clear checklist it really becomes just about execution of small tasks one by one. What have been the highlights for you in living and working in Brazil so far? The people, the culture and of course the Caipirinhas. A trip to our Rio office involves a sunrise drive past pristine beaches overlooking the South Atlantic Ocean â€" a pretty good way to start a working day. The great thing for me about leading one of our developing businesses is the variety that every day brings. Being client facing is of course a critical part of the job, but so too can be working with the legal team on changes in local legislation that could affect our industry, developing new local marketing materials, running training sessions and refining our overall value proposition to the market. This breadth of experience enables me to keep growing and the variety makes every day an interesting one. How have you found adapting to a new culture and living in a country, where the local language is different to your own? It’s of course challenging and frustrating at times but that’s part of the enjoyment. Every weekend brings an opportunity for a new experience that pushes you out of your comfort zone. If you commit to learning the language, you can be really competent within about six months. Even if you don’t, you’ll be directing taxis and ordering a beer before too long. Of course, there’s that sense of achievement that you never forget when you finally manage to order a meal correctly! While language is a great bonus, it’s definitely more important for you to have a strong foundation in your profession than be bilingual. Equally, I was surprised by the level of English spoken by the team here and how they are very happy to get some practice in by using it with me. At a senior level, virtually all of our clients are happy to conduct meetings in English and many of them are actually expats themselves which instantly creates some common ground to build a relationship from. What effect has working in another country had on your career? I would say it has been very positive. I now have a greater knowledge of different parts of the business that has helped me mature as an operator and build relationships that have enabled me to continue to develop as a person both professionally and personally. I’m now in my third country for Hays and every role has enabled me to grow hugely. What would you say are the three most important skills to have to be a successful Country lead? To start, an overwhelming belief in what is possible and a drive to get there. A sense of (grounded) optimism allows you to see where the business could be and create a path to achieving this. External factors always exist but we can control a lot more than not. Secondly, a disciplined commitment to what we set out to achieve in the short, medium and long-term. Finally, you need the ability to adapt your style to ensure you are effectively communicating the message you want to bring the people on the journey with you. What advice would you give to other employees aspiring to progress to a senior position? Make the most of the meritocracy and take advantage of the international leadership opportunities that may be presented through roles you hadn’t necessarily considered. The thought of moving overseas may seem too unfeasible, but when you break it down you’ll most likely have far more to gain than lose. Don’t be too quick to dismiss something new or different as at the end of the day, nothing has to be forever so why not? Hopefully this blog has given you a true sense of what it is like to relocate to a foreign country for your career. If you would like to discuss anything related to global mobility, please get in contact. If you found this post interesting, you may also enjoy the below: Ask yourself these 8 questions before relocating internationally for a job 4 ways to grow yourself global QA with Lise Render Nielsen, Director of Leadership at LEGO Preparing a CV for international applications â€" does one size fit all? Are you a ‘global citizen’? How to thrive in your new overseas role QA with Jessica Spence, VP Commercial at Carlsberg in Hong Kong Visit the Join Hays website to find out more about life at Hays Share this blog:

Sunday, July 19, 2020

If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on How to Build a Good Resume

In the event that You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on How to Build a Good Resume Rewriting your resume for each new conceivable business is a lot of work, yet it may give you a preferred position. So your resume is your absolute initial step to ensuring you land the position you have earned. The principal continue design is a genuine test! Your forthcoming boss isn't keen on knowing whether you like computer games over understanding books. Each time you apply to find another line of work, check your resume to ensure that it isn't just focused on, however moreover current. Whatever can detract from your chances to push forward in the line should be kept away from. There's a brilliant possibility you might be exchanging vocation ways. For practically anything you desire to remember for a resume, there's a class to help arrange it. There are a few distinct assortments of arrangements and styles, and there isn't any 1 set in stone way to deal with build your resume. In cases where you own a scope of holes, the practical resume is ideal. There are a great deal of things to take a gander at when you assemble a resume. In this manner, when you sent a similar resume again and again without any outcomes it's an exceptionally clear sign you should transform it! To begin with, it's critical to understand what the objective of a C V is. An astounding resume should be standard. Again, you're on the right track! Considerably littler untruths should be maintained a strategic distance from. Talking about one of a kind, the principle focus of your resume is to make you stick out from the rest of the people going after precisely the same position and another way to make that happen is to utilize activity action words and force words (likewise called continue action words). Know the motivation behind your resume Some individuals today compose a resume like the point of the archive should land work. The extraordinary news is there are procedures to disguise insignificant or insufficiency of training. The Nuiances of How to Build a Good Resume You don't must have an exhaustive profile segment to snatch the peruser's advantage. It's actual, it's despite everything genuine that you should list your work history, yet that rundown can be made in a way that limits any holes. Utilize an extraordinary printer If you're proba bly going to utilize a paper release of your resume, ensure that you utilize a decent printer. Regardless of whether you're sending your resume to a business in exactly the same portion, the specific individual who will peruse it for the absolute first time might not have any specialized aptitude. Try not to utilize capital letters all through the spot, remember that your point is to impart a message as quick and as obviously as could be expected under the circumstances. The most significant thing of significance is to set the right information in the most reasonable spots when composing it. Key Pieces of How to Build a Good Resume Stick with your most recent occupations to set up a decent hard working attitude or with employments related with the position you're applying for. Beside the upside of information and cash, a vocation will build your resume. Nowadays, the opposition to find work is extremely wild. A decent resume won't genuinely ensure that you get an extraordinary activity. Going to precisely the same gatherings or occasions give chances to acquire contact. To create a flourishing promoting resume, you should step back, consider the aptitudes you utilize day by day hands on then apply them to yourself. What you put in your resume, will build up the kind of chances you will get. On the off chance that you can't find a volunteer open door in your general vicinity, consider one where you're doing a specific aptitude that could be useful on your resume. A Startling Fact about How to Build a Good Resume Uncovered If you are needing a brisk launch on building up a format first, examine a resume developer before picking an expert. There are a lot of sites with tips around the web, however most bring only few them. You can go for a sublime adaptable resume format which can in reality direct you in continue making. You may utilize the Resume Template! In case you're sending a resume to an organization, it should be a given that you're possible for a meeting and you will give references whenever mentioned. The USAJOBS continue developer licenses you to give upwards of five references. A resume, really, is your own bonafide promoting archive. It is basic to include data in regards to certainty towards your work and your ability along with to what extent and hard you can take care of business. For a resume to acquire an astounding early introduction for your advantage, it must contain exhaustive and conservative subtleties on your work history, and subtleties intended to plug your candidature. At same time, you should remember instructive data and some significant data for just two or three sentences about your ability and certainty as well. Continuously be certain your own data, including your name, address and phone number, is incorporated at the pinnacle of the resume. Keep your resume focused on the realities. In the event that you understand that you are in that position, you are likely considering how to procure a decent resume. Regardl ess of whether one isn't required, it's commonly a good thought to send a brisk introductory letter along with your resume. Sell your fish Remember that you're endeavoring to sell yourself.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Experienced Fitness and Recreation Managers Resume Template 2018s Top Format

Experienced Fitness and Recreation Managers Resume Template â€" 2018's Top Format Experienced Fitness and Recreation Managers Resume Template - 2018's Top Format Make ResumeGarret Jenkins100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019| (C) (555) 322-7337| model email@example.comWork HistoryAda Friends Mentor Program Director 08/2012 to 11/2013Ohio Northern University OHAccelerated tutor trade from 20+ matches to 60+ matches.Volunteer enrollment, preparing, and the executives for 60+ volunteers.Military Kids Program ManagerOhio State University Extension Columbus, OHActively recognize, enlist, train, and continue around 200 volunteers annually.Manage costs and keep up records.Identify potential financing sources and oversee existing giver stewardship.Graduate AssistantWright State University Dayton, OHInfo Ed.and UCEAO database management.Develop and execute preparing for workforce and staff with respect to database operation.Mentoring CoordinatorYMCA of Greater Cincinnati, OHMarket, select, match, screen, and bolster 35+ cases.Design and encourage guide preparing modules.InternDepartment of Defense Fort Campbell, KYDevelopment of center school matured programming.Train staff on versatile educating/communication styles to grasp contrasts in learning.EducationBachelor of Arts: Public Administration Wright State University Dayton, OHYouth Ministry, Sociology minor Ohio Northern University OH:Additional InformationOmicron Delta Kappa-National Leadership Honor Society Leadership Roles Buckeye Leadership Workshop Board of Directors Develop and encourage intergenerational, global entertainment authority workshopCustomize ResumeMore Fitness and Recreation ResumesEntry Level Fitness Instructors and Coaches Resume Templates

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Ask These 6 Questions to Make Rational Decisions

Pose These 6 Inquiries to Make Rational Decisions Pose These 6 Inquiries to Make Rational Decisions Article by Cecilia Meis Individuals unintentionally swallow eight insects consistently in their rest. In spite of the fact that exposed various occasions, this legend remains the most broadly flowed actuality of the 21st century, as indicated by the National Institute of Arachnological Research. Did you trust me? Since I just deceived you. Demonstrating such an announcement would be dull. Additionally, a fast web search would uncover that the National Institute of Arachnological Research doesnt exist. For what reason do legends continue in spite of distributed research demonstrating their alternate extremes? Since some place in your memory, youve put away something that sounds recognizable. It may have been a kin attempting to frighten you. You may have a mellow creepy crawly fear. You may have perused it in a 1993 article by Lisa Holst, who, amusingly, was attempting to exhibit why individuals promptly acknowledge realities shared through email chains. The legend triggers an enthusiastic as opposed to a suspicious reaction. It very well may be perilous to depend on your gut, or what psychologist Daniel Kahneman calls System 1 reasoning: programmed decisions that come from affiliations put away in the memory. This sort of deduction creates after some time as individuals endeavor to understand apparently arbitrary occasions that happen around them. The more we comprehend our surroundings, the more control â€" or saw control â€"we have over our lives. However, our guts can lead us adrift. Our predispositions can drive us to concentrate on an inappropriate data or look for data that matches as opposed to difficulties what we as of now accept. To construct your reasonable reasoning abilities, ask yourself these inquiries: 1. What Would I Say to a Friend? Make space between your musings and emotions. You can do that by claiming to offer guidance to a companion, which permits your mind to change from rumination to critical thinking. The more exceptionally charged the circumstance, the more you have to isolate yourself from your flashing sentiments. Ongoing examinations have discovered that journaling in the third individual permits you to assess yourself and your circumstances all the more plainly and mindfully. 2. What Are Three Possible Outcomes? Vulnerability is unnerving. Its simpler and less distressing to envision a solitary result, so we do. Rather, specialists state you ought to envision various results to improve your exactness and coherent reasoning. On the off chance that youre envisioning the conceivable achievement of your business in five years, think of three figures that predict your level of progress: high, medium, and low. Your high and low numbers ought to be far-fetched however not ridiculous. This methodology causes you abstain from being caught unaware by boundaries on either end by planing for their chance. 3. What Is the Counterargument to This Decision or Belief? We like to be correct. We like for others to concur with our choices or convictions. Be that as it may, when we think with our System 1 personalities, were regularly oblivious to different choices or points of view. Utilize the accompanying tips to outline counterarguments that will assist you with evaluating your position all the more judiciously: - Be liberal in your examination and really insightful when fabricating a counterargument. - Shift your rationale from winning to picking up esteem. Julia Galef, prime supporter of the Center for Applied Rationality, says this permits her to envision a situation where she never loses, on the grounds that one of her alternatives will probably enable her to succeed. - List the purposes of understanding between the two contentions. - Compare the two contentions next to each other, as though another person kept in touch with them. Moving your mentality to somebody elses see isnt simple. Galef prompts utilizing care procedures to recognize when your feelings are running high â€" especially when somebody is testing your convictions. Concentrate on looking for reality instead of on winning. 4. Why Am I Attached to This Decision or Belief? Individuals frequently stick to nonsensical convictions on the grounds that theyre appended to their characters. Possibly your mate says a backup course of action is quicker than the one youve consistently taken. You go overboard, perhaps in light of the fact that you think your mate is offending your insight. Scientists state your feeling of self-esteem is a critical factor in discerning reasoning. One examination found that when individuals feel emphatically about themselves, theyre bound to acknowledge awkward realities. Before taking a gander at data that challenges your convictions, record your main three characteristics and review instances of each. Clarify your response so your life partner realizes how to more readily introduce choices later on. 5. Is This Too Good to Be True? Your mother was correct: Information that sounds unrealistic regularly is. Conventional or elegant language can spread true irregularities. For example, Colgate discovered difficulty in the wake of asserting in excess of 80 percent of dental specialists recommended its brand. What the organization neglected to specify was that those dental specialists suggested Colgate alongside different brands. Give unique consideration to the words a guarantee utilizes â€" suggested versus liked, for instance. Additionally watch for midpoints without setting and whether a guarantee appears to be totally uneven. On the off chance that it feels excessively great (or terrible), it presumably is, so burrow somewhat more profound. 6. Is This Harmful? Looking for truth is significant, yet so is knowing when you shouldnt squander your time challenging pointless lies. For instance, during an easygoing discussion at a systems administration occasion, somebody may reveal to you they hold the record for the most franks eaten in a short time in the province of Georgia. Before you whip out your best as indicated by voice, inquire as to whether this falsehood is unsafe. The case, however conceivably bogus, doesnt influence anybody with the exception of Georgias genuine wiener eating champion, yet just if that victor is depending on sponsorship financing from individuals at the equivalent systems administration occasion. On the off chance that youre intending to work with this individual, perhaps you ought to decide if theyre an impulsive liar. Something else, grin, gesture and cordially leave the discussion. â€" Objective reasoning requires expelling enthusiastic reactions, checking predispositions, and considering different alternatives before attempting to persuade your grandma that shes eaten 680 creepy crawlies in her life. Coincidentally, as per Bill Shear, previous leader of the American Arachnological Society, Spiders respect us much like theyd respect a major stone. It would appear that youre safe. Find it on the off chance that you dont trust me. Variants of this article initially showed up on and in the October 2017 issue of SUCCESS Magazine. Cecilia Meis is the coordinated substance editorial manager for SUCCESS magazine and She as of late earned a single guys degree from the Missouri School of Journalism. A Kansas City local, Cecilia appreciates sand volleyball, new writing material, and a loading plate of consumed closes.